Sunday, March 29, 2009

Thar She Blows . . .

As far as weather goes, I have to admit, we are pretty fortunate here in Idaho. We don't have hurricanes, rarely have tornadoes, blizzards, floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. But we do have WIND! And such was the case early this morning.

It was approximately 1:40 a.m. Sunday morning when Kurt and I nearly sat bolt upright in bed when it sounded as if a train had rammed into our house! It was incredible. I knew we were to get some strong winds but I wasn't prepared for this! It literally sounded like a freight train. I noticed the light on in Hailey's room too. I went to check on her. She was as startled as we were. I think "What was that" was the main statement of the morning!

It was hard going back to sleep with my heart pounding and the wind buffeting our home, but we eventually did. I thought I would take some pictures of the aftermath. Thankfully for us it wasn't too bad. I had checked the local weather and old trees were uprooted, people lost power and a local nursery had a greenhouse get shattered and they even found huge chunks of glass embedded in nearby trees!

This camper shell was laying on the ground where the dry patch of weeds are in the foreground!
Thankfully it didn't go over the fence into the neighbors yard. (Did I fail to mention this is the same camper shell that two years ago in a wind storm was actually picked up by the wind, hit the house, scraped the fence and was dropped in the front yard on the driveway just seconds before I walked out there?)

Took my garbage cans for a ride!

This was against the fence in the backyard. Doesn't quite compare to what is in the front yard though . . .

I had several people ask me about my "new" landscaping theme. I call it "tumble", it has that ol' western, tumbleweed look. Isn't it Marvelous! Mind you, Hailey is about 5'3''!

From a different angle - believe me, it is quite amazing!

Can you believe the size of these things!!!! This one was stuck to the back of our blue and white truck against the garage door!

Front corner of the house.

This was a neighbors house, two houses down!!!!

I wanted to keep taking pictures - there are places along the back chain link fence that faces the open field where these beauties come from and it is so high with tumbleweeds that they actually "spilled over" the fence into the yard!
Like I've said before - the weather is always interesting here in Idaho!

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