Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lunch Date With Aunt Pat!

When Kurt started working for Committed Caseworks and Events last summer he was gone a lot! They had sooooo many jobs in a row and a lot of times he would take Hailey and Hayden with him because they wanted to help with things and didn't need constant supervision. Anyway, that left Tyler out and he started to feel a little abandoned. Aunt Pat came to the rescue and started having special lunch dates with him almost every other Saturday. Just a special time doing something nobody else got to do. Tyler loved it! Pat did too but she made the mistake though of letting Tyler pick where he would like to eat. Tyler is a kid that is very repetitious. And nowhere else will do! Pat has continued since then to keep these lunch dates. Tyler gets to call her and everything. I think the both of them get a lot out of it.

Anyway, last Saturday was another opportunity for lunch. This time though Hayden asked if he could go and Pat said sure and Tyler didn't mind. Pat said Hailey was welcome to go if she wanted also. So, being a person who loves to have any chance to have some quiet time, I also was thrilled. I also thought it would be fun to blog so I sent the camera with Hailey and this is how it went!

Hailey felt compelled to take a shot of the sign. I think it was from pure guilt. She played on the equipment although according to the sign she shouldn't have. Tsk Tsk Hailey. Where's that self control? I'm going to tell Ronald.

A kid's eye view of an adult who desperately doesn't want to be sitting in that room with all the noise! I'm thinking you have earned some kind of award Pat for doing this time after time!

Although this is a cute shot I can't help thinking about how many sweaty pairs of socks have run over this platform, not to mention pieces of food that have fallen out of someones mouth and licked back up before mom or dad could see it and my sweet baby is laying his face on it.
Does that make me sound like a germaphobe?

Just having fun!

Tyler lives for this sort of thing! Running, being loud and sweating to death! They actually came home with sweaty hair!

It's funny when you look at this food you can just see how unhealthy it is but about twice a year I get such a desire for a Big Mac, it is weird! It's like Russian Roulette with your arteries! There is some kind of thrill there!

There's Pat eating something a touch healthier, oh hey Pat, is that the box of fries you snuck and ate from when Tyler wasn't there???? Oh, was that supposed to be a secret?

The kids love to play in these so much! Pat is a good sport about the whole thing. It gives her that touch of having her own kids but then the joy of dropping them off and getting to go home and relax in peace and quiet.

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