Friday, March 27, 2009

Boys With Bows . . .

You can tell that your son is growing up when he abandons things like Spiderman and Pokemon cards and starts to pay a lot of attention to scary, harmful, bodily injurious things like football and bows and arrows . . .
Hayden's friend Emmett came to spend the night and brought his bow and arrows so he and Hayden could have some fun with Hayden's newly acquired (birthday present) bow and arrows.
(aren't they cute)!

Here is Hayden with his first "kill"! I told them to pose by the box when their arrow went through it because that's what hunters do when they hit their target. Should I have put some antlers on the box?
Tandem Menace! Watch out you free roaming, wild boxes!

Even Tyler thought this looked fun. I believe it is one of those things that is harder to do than it looks. Watching the boys try to keep the arrows balanced while they aimed was pretty interesting.

Hailey - Warrior Princess !
(well actually, bow-retriever girl. The other name just sounded better !

Hailey's turn! Believe it or not she actually cut herself with the plastic part that is on the back of the arrow for balance. Yes, I am sure it has a name but I am a girl and don't know what the name of it is right now. If I find out, I'll let you know. I call it the feather-replacer thingy.
Emmett is keeping his eye out for stance and there is Tyler the Jedi Padawan Learner in the background.
(Did I tell you that Ty wants to be a Jedi when he gets older? Don't see much need for those in the Job Wanted section yet. What do you think the college course requirement would be for that?)

Sorry Hailey - Missed the box, uh-er, the deer!

Oh yeah! Emmett with his trophy game! Great Job Emmett!

Oh wait Hailey . . . . I think we found your arrow! I think I have some band-aids in the house!

I have always wanted to learn how to shoot with a bow and arrow. Maybe I will have to sneak the deer-box out during the day while the kids are in school and see how I do! That way there will be no witnesses either!

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