Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Window With a View !

ANYONE who knows me very well KNOWS that fall is my FAVORITE time of year!!!!
This year fall was brought on very fast, weather went from 90's to 30/40's within a week! This of course is sad because that means the fall will probably be shorter but I want to enjoy it as much as I can!
When I design my landscaping I do keep in mind that flowers and varieties of color in the warmer seasons are important but I have to admit the stronger pull for me is "what color will this plant produce in the fall"?
I think I didn't do too bad of a job with my front yard.
This is the view from my front window - I love it!

A few outdoor shots!

I have to admit I got a little hindered in the back yard. I set it up originally with a lot of color but have lost quite a few plants due to not considering how much shade a few choice trees would create.
I am having to dig things up and move them into sunnier areas. They have either died or haven't grown to their potential due to not enough sun light.
My mums plead their case!

There is a lot of work I need to do in the back yard - not nearly as full with plants as I would like but you can see areas of color trying to make their statement!

My beautiful Honeysuckle never lost all its leaves last year and it is huge! I only have one plant on each side of this bench arbor and you can't even find the arbor!

This tree is a love of mine. It is a Autumn Blaze Maple and can be amazingly stunning IF it is healthy! I almost lost it 2 years ago to Borers because we moved it from it's original planting spot and it must have gotten weakened by the move and was attacked. I thought we had lost it for sure but my Mom-in-law told me to just wait and see. She helped me trim it and just sat back and waited. It is looking better but still has a long way to go.
I can see it out my kitchen window and hope to see bird nests in it someday as it towers towards the sky!

That's my small fall tour. I am a little giddy about trees and bushes and plants.
My Mom was a very "earthy" person and I would like to think I get this love from her!

Chocolate Face!

Ty loves milk mustaches so today he felt he had a really nice one and actually asked me if I would take a picture.

It is actually a chocolate milk mustache but he is very impressed by it. Thought I would write up a little post for him. Silly kid!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Family - Food - Fun !

When it was heard that Ray, Cheryl, Jamie and Jenna were going to come down for a small visit word spread like wildfire and a family get-together quickly formed!
This was the first opportunity to get to see ALL of Jamie's wedding photos, chat up a storm and just hang out and enjoy one another's company - and that we did!

The first stop of anyone that comes to these get-togethers is the kitchen! We really went all out in the dessert department this time - we had several types of donuts, checkerboard cake, coffee cake, several types of cookies, brownies, cake bars, banana bread, pop, coffee, tea, juice and this wonderful fruity punch that Cheryl had made for Jamie's Wedding - it was delish!

Here's Erica!!!

Hayden in the "Calorie Zone" !!

This was a cute little girl that Erica was watching for a friend - her name was Olivia and I think she was just a little sweetheart! For not really knowing anyone there she was so good!

Maddie and Nana! Maddie's teeth are fine, it's just some food she put in there right before the shot was taken!

Luke showed up which was a very nice surprise. He was being a total pain-in-the-neck for most of the night (lol - you know just what I mean Luke ) but it was great to see him! Jamie and Brodie are in this shot too!

Another shot where we were going over Jamie's beautiful wedding photos - isn't it amazing how skinny we are when we get married! It was fun looking at all her pictures and you can tell her and Josh are just crazy about each other! I hope to get to meet him someday! He had to work so he couldn't make the trip down.
This is Dad, Debra, Cheryl and Jamie.

Here's the "man folk" shooting the breeze . . . It was nice to have Mark and Bryan along for the ride!

Doesn't it look like Luke is trying to get into something?

This next picture is really sad. My camera takes several seconds to actually take the picture after you press the button . . . from the time I pressed the button the normal looking Ray turned into this creature! I thought I took another one afterward but I didn't so I had to post this. Sorry Ray but maybe you will think better of it next time! I could use my blog for blackmail purposes!

I was so thrilled that Kurt and Hailey made it! He and Hailey had left early in the morning to go to downtown Boise to run an outdoor show (yes, they nearly froze to death, I think it was only in the 30's when they were there) and then they had to tear down that stage and two others ones right after that! They were exhausted but at least they got to see everybody!

This is Hailey right after she walked in the door - looked like she was going to fall over!

Here is Emma in her pretty pose!

Hailey trying to find someone willing to support her! Deb was more than happy to do the job! She leaned on me a bit too but I needed the freedom to bug everyone with the camera. Hey, it's my job! If I don't blog . . . who will?

What was really cool too was that Debra had brought over an old photo album of our family from the early 70's! It was funny looking at shots of us when we were little! She had thought of bringing more but she didn't. It was a great idea. I think we are going to do that again.
Chris, Emma and Hailey!

Kelsey really cheesing it up for me - mwah! (okay, I'll admit it, I forced her into it)!

Maddie and Erica - I love the enthusiasm! You are funny Erica! So, was that a hint that you were a little tired of the picture taking?

We were just getting into this big picture taking situation in the front room and little Olivia was just entertaining herself with a cookie. I sat by her and hugged her.

I stepped out from behind the camera for a mere few minutes to have Hailey take my picture with the kids. Tyler was absolutely thrilled that his cousin Jenna was coming down. I think she was pretty happy about it too! As I have stated before they are two peas in a pod and can play endlessly - they never stop moving! Here we are smartly sugaring them up with donuts and pop. We like living on the edge!

They went upstairs in the room and worked off their sugar high! They had sooo much fun!

Hi Johnny!

Not really sure what he was doing here - almost looks like he is trying to look innocent about something . . . hmmmm. Should I be worried?

No house should be without LEGO's! Deb's kids love them as much as mine! I should have bought stock in that company long ago - I think we would be rich by now!
Kimmy, Dylan, Ryan and Hayden!

Kimmy moved when I took the first shot so I singled her out and took another one. She was thrilled, can you tell?

Here Brodie is having a lightsaber duel with Olivia - not sure who won!

Jenna and Tyler chucking stuffed animals against a wall and across the floor. Yes, I should have stopped it but they were having so much fun (plus my floor was starting to look shinier)!

Brodie has been taking guitar at school and is quite good at it. It was neat that he brought his guitar with him again. Here he is giving Hailey an impromptu lesson. Hailey isn't content enough in knowing how to play Violin and Piano - she wants to learn guitar and cello too - Aren't these kids amazing! It's fun to see all the talent they have! Later a few of us were talking about having them be wandering minstrels while we sit and eat delicious foods! I could handle that!

No, Kimmy's teeth aren't black - chocolate donut!

We had a small picture taking session - I didn't get the best shots so if you want better ones try Chris or Debra. I am posting the group ones anyway because it is all I have but you will have to try to ignore the "red-eye" - couldn't get it out of some of them!
Taking a picture of Chris and Deb taking a picture!

Wow! Lots of kids!

Hailey, Erica and Emma with Jamie peeking in the background!

Chris and Mark taking pictures of the kids!

I have NO IDEA what they are talking about here - I know Mark was experiencing a pretty bad headache by this point . . .

End of the evening - lots of sugar - does wonders for the kids!

Brodie leaned out of the way at the last minute . . . argh!

Did I mention how tired Kurt was?

Well, I think everyone had a good time. There was a lot of smiles, stories shared and PLENTY of high calorie, high Carb food - the perfect mix for a great get-together!
I was so happy to see everyone and glad that Ray,Cheryl, Jamie and Jenna could make it down this way "before the snow flies" as they put it!
Congratulations again Jamie on your wedding and we all know you and Josh will have a long, wonderful life together!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Just for the Blog of it!

It's been a long time without anything really interesting to post. . . I have had sick kids off and on (and me intermittently) for the past week or so, sooooooo, no one has really done anything interesting and for some strange reason the kids won't let me take their pictures when they are sick so I can blog about it!!!
But, I can feel the pressure about producing something fresh for my readers to see.

First of all, weather-wise it has been a very strange week or so. It seems as if we slipped from full-on summer to winter within a week. We went from 90 degree days to 45 - 57 degree days within one weeks time and that is very sad to me because fall is my favorite time of year! Today's high actually hit around 61 degrees so I was pretty happy about that! The air was fresh and beautiful, the birds were going crazy in my trumpet vines out back and I actually opened the windows and gave the house a nice airing. So at least for today, fall was in full swing!

On top of that an old friend of the kids stopped by unexpectedly . . . his name is Nick and he used to live down the street. His family moved a few years ago and we didn't see much of him and then about a month ago out of nowhere he showed up at the door! I almost didn't recognize him because (being a teenage boy) he changed so much; taller, longer hair, face shape changed but I could still identify him by his voice. It was great to see him.
Today he stopped by again unexpectedly and him and the kids hung out a bit.

This is Nick not wanting his picture taken. Just to let you know, he never did fully cooperate but I did the best an annoying adult could do!

Hailey was trying to help me by pulling away his face guard (his broken skateboard)! When he used to come over and hang out when he lived down the street Hailey just loved it. She said "I want him to be my brother"! I then had to kindly remind her that she already had two of her own but he seemed funner to her!

Here is Nick with the two neighbor boys, Landon and Hayden. Did I ever mention that the neighbor boys' name is Hayden also and although he is a few years younger than my Hayden they actually have the same birth date! It's weird!

Tyler just being Tyler! You gotta love it!!!!

Now to take a break from the people in the yard and take some pics of some of my other favorite objects of love . . . my plants! You must be patient since I sometimes have "focus issues" but I wanted to capture some of the color before winter shoulders it's way back into our world!
Here is two of my favorites (not too hard to say because almost everything I planted in my yard are my favorites)!
This is a combo of the fire of a Burning Bush along with the sweetness of the Moonbeam Coreopsis.

My normally gorgeous Mums! This year they aren't fairing as well. I have to move some that are out back that got way too much shade this year. They love the sun!

Another Mum! When the Burgundy and Yellow are combined they really Pop!

The Marigolds with their final "hurrah" for the summer. We have had some frost and I can tell they are getting tired. Some of the foliage is turning color. They won't be here much longer. I will miss you little guys!

This was a real shocker! This Iris actually bloomed again! They usually only bloom in the spring so I am not sure what this little one's agenda was! I like to think of it as a nice little surprise!

Last but not least the fading blooms of my Trumpet Vine. There aren't a whole lot of blooms left and it won't be long now until I have to take out my pruners and spend literally HOURS trimming back these vines to the fence. I have done it once in the spring and once in the fall and I much prefer the fall, it looks much tidier through the winter and it can just go to town once spring hits!

There you have it. My little fall walk-about in the yard and some random thoughts. I hope that will hold you over until I actually do something interesting!
Have a great Fall!