Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Window With a View !

ANYONE who knows me very well KNOWS that fall is my FAVORITE time of year!!!!
This year fall was brought on very fast, weather went from 90's to 30/40's within a week! This of course is sad because that means the fall will probably be shorter but I want to enjoy it as much as I can!
When I design my landscaping I do keep in mind that flowers and varieties of color in the warmer seasons are important but I have to admit the stronger pull for me is "what color will this plant produce in the fall"?
I think I didn't do too bad of a job with my front yard.
This is the view from my front window - I love it!

A few outdoor shots!

I have to admit I got a little hindered in the back yard. I set it up originally with a lot of color but have lost quite a few plants due to not considering how much shade a few choice trees would create.
I am having to dig things up and move them into sunnier areas. They have either died or haven't grown to their potential due to not enough sun light.
My mums plead their case!

There is a lot of work I need to do in the back yard - not nearly as full with plants as I would like but you can see areas of color trying to make their statement!

My beautiful Honeysuckle never lost all its leaves last year and it is huge! I only have one plant on each side of this bench arbor and you can't even find the arbor!

This tree is a love of mine. It is a Autumn Blaze Maple and can be amazingly stunning IF it is healthy! I almost lost it 2 years ago to Borers because we moved it from it's original planting spot and it must have gotten weakened by the move and was attacked. I thought we had lost it for sure but my Mom-in-law told me to just wait and see. She helped me trim it and just sat back and waited. It is looking better but still has a long way to go.
I can see it out my kitchen window and hope to see bird nests in it someday as it towers towards the sky!

That's my small fall tour. I am a little giddy about trees and bushes and plants.
My Mom was a very "earthy" person and I would like to think I get this love from her!

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