Sunday, March 8, 2009

Grandma and the Cello !

Grandma came to visit and she had a surprise up her sleeve for Hayden! She arrived in the mid afternoon and waited patiently for Hayden to return from school!

The surprise destination!

This was a great day for Hayden! He had decided that he would like to learn the Cello when he goes to Middle School this fall and Grandma surprised him by taking him to our local music shop and getting him one!
It is a beauty and the store worker was kind enough to let her picture be taken in the process!

Hayden trying it out for himself!

Well, here he is! All ready to go! He is sooooo excited to get to do this!

He didn't wait a minute to start trying to learn. When they got home with it Hailey started to show him the basics of how to hold the bow and posture. By the next day she had already taught him the "G" scale! She is going to be his instructor for the summer! If we can keep the sibling rivalry at bay this might be a very productive summer!

As for the rest of Grandma's visit - she was put to the test by the boys of the house at various card and board games. This seems to be a tradition that is forming here. Grandma comes to visit, we love her, hug her and then try to cream her with every possible game we can play!
Sadly for Grandma she was bested by Tyler in several games of Go Fish and Old Maid.
Tyler's sweet look is deceiving. He will eat you alive at games and loves every minute of it!

Then she was to play Hayden and Tyler both at checkers. She had had enough of being Mrs. Nice Guy and then took them both down in the checker matches. I would like to think it was hard for her to defeat her sweet, wonderful grandchildren but I really didn't see it in her face just more like a hidden, silent victorious joy!
Well, it was another great visit with Grandma that came to an end too quickly.

But, as usual with Grandma, her timing was perfect because not but 45 minutes after she drove away on her two hour journey home we got blasted with a snow storm of sorts - it is still snowing as I type! It almost looks like white-out conditions! No warning of this one! I hope she makes it home okay, she had a great head start!
Thanks for everything Grandma! Hope you had a good time too! We all miss you and love you!

1 comment:

  1. That is so great that Hayden is learning the cello---our Alex plays (he is 11) and we went to see him play with the county orchestra last weekend (5 and 6 grades). It was wonderful---they played in a beautiful theatre at the university. Go Yo-Yo-Ma!!!

    Love, Aunt Flo
