Friday, March 20, 2009

For The Love Of Books -

Books, Books, Books!
My kids love books and I am happy about that! Reading was something that I really wanted to be important to the kids. I even use books as rewards for the kids. We have A LOT of them!
I have always read to the kids when I had the chance and always have books available to them but several years back we decided together that it would be fun to start reading chapter books before bed. A great way to downshift and mellow out before hitting the sheets! It has gone very well. I started making a list the other day of all the books we have read together. So far, of the ones we can remember, we are about at 80 + books (not including picture books).

Most of our favorites seem to fall in the realm of Knights and Dragons, Good versus Evil where good ALWAYS wins! There are several books that we have read that were borrowed from the library but the kids have wanted copies for themselves because they want to read them again and again. Recently we had a little extra money and Amazon was having a good deal and I bought a set of books that the kids have been wanting really bad!

We have already read Eragon and Eldest but have been waiting patiently for Brisingr. These are really interesting books! The kids loved them. The young man that wrote these books is pretty amazing. He was home schooled and graduated at the age of 15. I think his first book, Eragon was published by the time he was 19!!!
Hayden wants to be an Author someday (and possibly a history teacher - he loves the Revolutionary War era) and he really likes Christopher Paolini's style of writing.

You should have heard the squeals of excitement when the kids came home from school and found the books on the table in the dining room! We started reading the book Brisingr last night. This book has around 750 pages and about 60 (?) chapters!
Even Willow likes me to read. When she sees me grab my glasses (yes, I am old and need reading glasses) and head up the stairs she grabs her chew toy and starts running around me.
Then when I pull out the bean bags and set them on the floor against the wall she is so frantically excited! As soon as I sit down with the book she rushes to lay down by me and starts chewing away!

She has done this since she was little. It is really quite funny! Reading is a family affair!
Hopefully Mr. Paolini will hurry with his final book in this series so when we are finished with this one we can go right on to the last book and not have to wait a YEAR like the last time!

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