Saturday, September 19, 2009

Nampa Nights with Dad!

I feel bad because I am posting this sooooo late! This has been a crazy/busy couple of weeks and I am very tired today but know I need to get this post up!
Here are some pictures from Nampa Nights on the 10th of September. This was the last Nampa Nights of the season and I was a little sad about it. I was hoping to be able to attend as many of these as possible but I only managed to get out to two. Hopefully next year will work a little better!

This was a special Nampa Nights just for the fact that my Dad came with me and the kids! I had heard that the band specialized in 50's type music and I knew that was right up my Dad's alley! I remember listening to 50's rock and roll quite a bit when I was a kid so I was looking forward to hearing some of the oldies but goodies myself!

The trip was entertaining with Dad at the wheel! As we headed into Nampa from out of the country roads he immediately pulled his hat to the side and squatted down at the wheel. If I remember right he even kind of stuck his tongue partially out of the side of his mouth. Nampa in the past has always been known for it's gang activity and Dad was pretending to be a "low rider" I think. It caught me and the kids off guard - yes, Dad can be funny!

This was the band of the evening, "The Fabulous Chancellors" - they were a fun band although some notes that were hit vocally, I believe, weren't the notes intended but all in all they put on a good show. As we walked into the sitting area, I believe they were playing "The Great Pretender" - which I definitely remember from childhood!

I was a little sad that they didn't play as many of the 50's songs that I was hoping for. They had some 60's and a few early 70's mixed in there but I caught my Dad singing and tapping his foot often so I think he was enjoying himself!

It was great to see that both Tanya's parents were there. I have spoke with her mother before this but I hadn't seen her Dad since Tanya and I used to hang around back in High School! And of course I didn't see either of them much back then because Tanya had me and our other friend Shar Todd out delivering Avon all the time! :)

Tyler had a good time too, Grandpa had brought some pop and Rob had bought the kids some ice cream and there were free ice pops given out so as long as there is sweet treats, Tyler is a happy camper!

The crowd was a pretty good size again this time. Everyone is pretty relaxed and just sits back and enjoys themselves.

Kurt at work, of course!

Hailey being social!

Forcing Tanya to have her picture taken with Rob . . . see how it feels to be on the other side of the lens my dear!!!! What pressure!

During a break Kurt stepped back and chatted with us a bit. Nice to get a chance to chat and shoot the breeze!

Tyler with his ice cream . . . this sure looked tasty!

Now I forced Dad to have his picture taken with me. Thanks to Hailey for snapping the shot! I wanted proof for Dad that you could step outside and have fun!!!! Just kidding Dad, I know you do go outside to get the mail!

Zach and Hayden doing what they do best - reading and electronic things!

These last couple of shots aren't so good. I had to shut the flash off so it wouldn't make the pictures too dark since it was dusk out but for some reason when I do that the pictures always seem to be blurry.
This is after the show and the musicians are tearing down their instruments and the kids are trying to help tear down the sound equipment.

This last shot here is actually of Kurt starting to pack up the board. I thought it looked interesting because it almost looks as though some yellow bolt of lightning is striking him in the neck. Don't worry, he survived!

I sure hope you have enjoyed the post on my last Nampa Nights of the season! I am sure there will be more interesting things to share with you this year!

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