Friday, April 3, 2009

Tyler the Tour Guide !

Today we got to do something that was fun! The kids are out of school for Parent-Teacher Conferences today and in Tyler's class instead of conferencing they held a "Student-Lead Showcase"! We got to go into Ty's class and see a lot of the projects that they have been working on!
Here is Tyler standing in front of the board that gives the "Tour Guides" their directions on the things to show their parents!

As a first grade project, all the first grade students are studying the life-cycle of the frog! Here is the tadpoles that they are raising! I know at home, a few years back, we had a couple of tadpoles we were trying to raise into frogs and one died pretty quick and the other one remained a tadpole for TWO YEARS before he passed away! We called him the "eternal tadpole" (the teacher informed me that all three classes started with a combined amount of 50 tadpoles and now only 9 exist - she feels the teachers aren't too good at raising tadpoles!)

They are also reading the story "The Billy Goats Gruff"! I have been fortunate to see this play enacted at my home twice with some popsicle stick puppets by Tyler. I think he thoroughly enjoyed this story. Here he has created a billy goat out of a potato and a troll out of a toilet paper roll. There is also a bridge he helped construct out of putty and toothpicks. You had to have seen it in person. These kids put their hearts into this project! He even read the part out of his "script" - he is "Ben" the middle billy goat. He is great at reading with feeling!

Here we are at another station looking at the "Billy Goats Gruff" scrapbook of the whole process! It was neat. Tyler took the time to say out loud ALL the names of EVERY KID in EVERY PICTURE! What enthusiasm!

This was a book that the kids had to fill out. There were about 9 sentences where the starting words were " I Like . . . . . " It was cute. Thankfully Tyler put his family members in this list! He also mentioned how he likes the color blue and his teacher. He has a great heart.
But, I had to kind of urge him along because he wanted to read us what EVERYONE wrote! Some of the lists were quite big!

I love this picture! Tyler wanted us to look at his "cubby" - the place where he hangs his coat and puts his backpack when he arrives at school. So, Kurt decided we would try to put Tyler in his cubby - needless to say, he didn't fit very well!

This is a cute little bee that gets to be put on a chart that names all of the different jobs there are to do in the classroom. Station cleaning, lunch helper, things like that. Ty didn't have his name on anything for this week. He loves to have jobs. Well, at least at school. Just kidding - he is a great helper!

Well, this is the end of the tour! He has a great teacher this year! Mrs. Shade willingly posed with Tyler for this picture. She is thrilled, as am I, about Tyler's progress this year. He has really taken off with his reading. The required words a minute at his grade is 40 and he is reading at 57! I am so happy for him!

Another grading quarter has come and gone! ALL of the kids did exceptional! Tyler is where he needs to be in all of his topics - at grade level. Hayden is doing very well also - all of his grades are at meets requirements and a lot of them have exemplary + marks by them. Hailey did fantastic too with all A's and only 1 B!

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