Sunday, August 16, 2009

An Evening at the Symphony!

Not quite the Philharmonic but I had a great time! Kurt got the great job of running sound for the local Meridian Symphony! Hailey helped him set up and me and the boys got dropped off by Grandpa Ray so we could spend the evening together and ride home with Kurt.
I would do it again in a heartbeat!

The show was located at our newly built Meridian City Hall. They really created a scenic and cozy courtyard at the front of the building.

What I think is neat is that all of the people in this Symphony are volunteers and you could tell they all enjoyed what they were doing. The conductor mentioned that one of the musicians has volunteered now for around 20 years!

There was a pretty good turnout! There were stairs to sit on but a lot of the people brought their camp-type chairs and just carved out their little niche. One lady was just kicked back in her chair with her drink and a book, reading away while they played!

This conductor had a quick wit and very likable personality - you could tell he also enjoyed what he was doing. He had little stories and thoughts he would share between pieces. He was very funny. This group played their rendition of a Beetles tune, "Oba-dee Oba-da, Life goes on" it was a very fun and upbeat tune!

Kurt and his assistant!

Yes, the boys are sitting and listening. I was hoping that since Hayden is starting Orchestra himself this year in Middle School that maybe he would get fired up if he could see a Cello in action!

At performances I have realized that Tyler's "sitting still" limit is about 30 minutes then things like this start happening!

Time went way too fast and before I knew it, the great music, funny stories (and motorcycle muffler sounds across the street) were all over!

Ran into Shelley, Tanya's sister there - I won't say how I embarrassed myself by not recognizing her but glad I figured it out. I didn't know her husband was in the Symphony but we had a very enjoyable conversation and she informed me of more concerts in the future. I definitely would like to check them out!

Told the boys to pretend they were "working"!

Hayden tried to hide from the camera and not really sure what in the world Tyler is doing off to the left.

As people cleared away we started helping Kurt tear down the equipment. I told him I think we should buy stock in the company that he buys all this black tape from that he uses to tape all of the cords down so people don't trip on them.

Hailey telling me that there is a certain way to coil these so they don't get tangled. Kurt also tried to show me but he ended up taking it away from me and I just helped with getting the tape off of the other items. Hey, we all have our learning limits!

Tyler found all of the water features HIGHLY IRRESISTIBLE!
I really had to keep my eye on him!
What a ham!
This is what I TOLD Tyler to do . . . .

This is what Tyler WANTED to do!

I hadn't seen the new City Hall finished and I loved this courtyard walkway area they created! I could have lazily wandered there for quite some time! But it is only like thirty yards long - not too much wandering space!

Hey, when you see a photo opp, you take advantage of it!
The kids and I had fun.

I think in this picture Tyler might be related to James Dean! Hayden is too tough to talk to and Hailey is just enjoying herself!

Tyler just couldn't leave the plant alone. If you look at the previous picture the plant looks fine, then look at this picture and for some reason part of the plant is in his hand and another piece of the plant is bent over. . . . had to give him a speech about respecting things that aren't his.

Believe it or not, without my knowledge Hayden had walked across this waterfall part and when I saw them Hailey was attempting to walk across it with a whimpering Tyler in her hands in Flip Flops none-the-less! I put a stop to it - quickly!

Kurt had no idea where we had disappeared to and was a little confused on where all his help had gone . . . so back to work we went . . . . slave driver! :)

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