Monday, December 28, 2009

When Grandma Comes To Town!!!

We had a really nice time with Grandma who came to visit last week! We only had her for about 3 1/2 days but we were all glad for the time! I didn't capture pictures of everything we had done (trust me, I wish I had a picture of Grandma and Hayden sitting in the dressing room waiting area at Kohl's while Hailey shopped for jeans) but I will share some of the things that we did!

Hailey and Hayden worked on some duets to play for Grandma to show her how they are progressing with their music! Although Hailey plays piano and violin and Hayden the Cello, they decided to mix it up a bit and play a song with Hailey on the Cello and Hayden the violin!

They also played a duet with Hayden on Cello and Hailey on the piano and then Hayden played some songs he has learned in Orchestra. I believe Grandma enjoyed this a lot.
Tyler wanted his picture taken too!

Kurt actually took time off of work where he didn't even run into the shop!!!!!!! Wow, I was astounded . . . here is Kurt relaxing!

Grandma had brought down some gifts for the kids and they enjoyed them!
Here they are eating some licorice!

Grandma also gave the kids some really great Boise State Stuff! They loved it!

This gift was an answer to a plight. . .

Notice the fear in Willow's eyes! I have a feeling we will not have to be dealing with the dog and her garbage can shenanigans anymore!!!! Woo Hoo, Thanks Grandma!

Friday morning Grandma took the time to teach the kids how to play Pinochle. I was busy in the kitchen trying to clean up breakfast and was listening to all the instruction. . . I think I will just stick to doing dishes! It sounded very complicated but the kids seemed to pick it up.
After the instructional time, Grandma and Hailey, Kurt and Hayden decided to play an actual game.

This looks almost too serious for me . . . game of slapjack anyone?

Well, Saturday morning rolled around too quickly but we decided to have a little photo shoot before Grandma left for home.
Kurt isn't one who likes to pose for pictures much but hey, it's your mom!

After that it was time for pictures with the kids. This was harder than it looks. Trying to get them all to smile and be quiet at the same time.

I don't know if Hailey realizes that we can see what she is doing to her brother . . . and the picture is proof!

Grandma is sure that someone is having gas issues during this photo session. It was hard to control the group after she said something about that!

The kids are also wearing the hats that their Aunt and Uncle had sent down. They loved these, warm and snuggly!

We all had a great time visiting with Grandma. Hope we can do it again soon. Thanks for coming down for a visit and making some memories with us Grandma!

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