Monday, December 28, 2009

Bye Bye Facebook!

This is what facebook looks like after you have deactivated your account. What was really weird was the fact it took a bit of effort to actually push the button that asks if you want to deactivate your account!

This was a very weird but necessary decision! As a wife and mother of three growing children the term that always comes to mind is that "there just isn't enough time in the day"! There are so many things that need to get done and things you want to do that days just whiz by with most of your "to do's" not done.
I had an element in my life that I realized was sucking away any precious time that I may have had left over after housework and homework.
I had so many projects that I wanted to do, time I wanted to spend with the kids but I found myself in any moment in between logging on to this place and wasting time doing "nothing important"!

Believe it or not I found myself slightly addicted to a site through facebook called "fishworld"! This is a site where you can have fish tanks and raise virtual fish, earn money to decorate your tanks and buy more fish and move up in "levels" to become somebody virtually important . . . I had such a pattern set up to where I could purchase enough fish during the day(and grow them to maturity to sell) to raise my level once or twice, maybe even three times a day! But I finally got to a point when I realized my "real" people and "real" duties were become my "I'll get to that as soon as I am done with my fish tank"!

I really had to stop and put this all into perspective . . . What is really important to/in this life? Thankfully I have God in my life and the wisdom of the scriptures to help me see what is really important! Faith, Family and Friends!
All these "technological advances" somehow end up making the things that are supposed to be your focus in life your "I'll get to that later"! Things invented to bring you closer a lot of the time push you apart. How many times in our lives when our kids walk up to us to talk to us do we shush them because of a TV show, your on the phone for the fiftieth time that day or you are busy on the computer? Or you are having dinner with your family and you get a phone call? You are talking with someone and a text comes in?

I have to ask . . . are our lives happier? More fulfilled with all this technology?
All I can say is since I have deactivated my facebook like has become just a little bit more simpler, a little less stressful and more involved with my family.

You know what would be great? If all these technological geniuses would get together with some of the other incredible brilliant people maybe they could all come up with a device that would blast cancer off the map . . . Now that's technology we can all live with!
I just hopped down off my soapbox! Have a great day with your family - don't forget though to shut off the ringer on your phone, computer, Ipod, Mp3 player, Wii, Gamecube, X-box, etc!

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