Thursday, December 25, 2008

Hot Chocolate Anyone?

Some people have their coffee, some people crave their tea but for me . . . Hot Chocolate! I actually find reasons to drink the stuff.

In the summer when most people are driving around and drinking soda pop, ice water or coffee, be it a frappe', froppe', frippe' (whatever those things are) there I am with my steamin' cup o' hot chocolate! Last night was no different.

Heading home from an evening Bible class with my sister and part of her family we couldn't help thinking with all those big, beautiful, white puffy flakes drifting all over, that hot chocolate sure would taste great right now! Especially with a nice fire going in the fireplace and some wonderful conversation. Oh, and I did add popcorn to the mix. How complete is that! The only thing missing was Kurt and the kids! (they are out of town visiting family - if you know me you know why I was here instead of there . . . someday!)

I took the rare opportunity to force Chris to take a picture with me. Doesn't hot chocolate just make people happy!

Well, here are two of Chris's girls patiently awaiting their hot chocolate . . . Emma seems quite happy (see, it's that hot chocolate thing) and Kelsey is too engulfed in a book to notice her crazy Aunt stalking around with a camera. They are going to have to get used to this because this is who I am now!

Whoever knew that hot chocolate could be such an interesting topic! Just look at us examining our beverages. You see, wine people aren't the only ones who care about "bouquet, clarity and nuances"! And who needs a fancy cork? Try taking a good long whiff of that plastic lid . . . Mmmm, mmmm, What bouquet!

I am afraid to ask what Johnny is looking at.

Here is Kimmy showing the absolute joy one has when partaking of smooth, creamy and incredibly delicious, yes, . . . Hot Chocolate!

After the hot chocolate "high" I think Johnny was missing his cousin, Hayden. Of course the need to play a video game was mentioned but, sorry, they had to go. Still had a long drive left with the snow still coming down.
I tried to take a picture of the snow coming down outside because it really was beautiful but I am not a pro with the camera (yet)and it was too dark. The pictures didn't really turn out.
It was a perfect end to a beautiful evening! Hot Chocolate anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I am once again trying to post a comment so here far so good, although I am amazed that you actually let Tyler eat snow....germy stuff you know! ha ha Deb
