Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hailey, the Big 1 - 5 !

Hailey was really excited to turn 15. She wanted to celebrate her birthday with her High School colors for her theme. So, her colors were Purple, Yellow and Black. She had asked everyone to come dressed in at least one of her school colors. It was a cute idea.
I think I had tried to get a closer up picture of the cake but it didn't come out.

Hailey decided just to have some girls her age over - some from school, Church and family.
Here she is at the presents part, her favorite!

Emma, Kelsey, Alayna and Rebecca.

Dana and Tyler. Hayden "got out of Dodge" the night before and went to hang out with Jonathan at his house. He didn't think he could handle the "girl party". Tyler on the other hand really enjoys these. All the girls always think he is cute and they spoil him.

Kurt even came and hung out for a bit.

Kurt checking out a gift Hailey had gotten. This thing is called an Ipod Shuffle (or something like that). I had never heard of it and I actually thought it was a fancy paper clip or something. This thing that is a little bigger and thicker than a postage stamp and can hold up to 1000 songs! I know! I'm still shaking my head.

Tyler checking out the pretty smells.

After presents we played some really fun games. Whatiff, Scattergories and of course Twister (this was after cake).
On to the food. Hailey wanted a cake, Ice Cream, Punch and this very tasty dessert called Crescent Roll Ring. Mmmmmm.
I am mad at the camera for this one. I took a picture of her blowing out the candles and it took too long to click and this is what I got. . .

The girls had fun with Twister too!
This is Dana and Alayna - say that three times fast!

Emma and Kelsey. Ooops! Emma fell.
Hailey and Dana.
One of Hailey's gifts was an awesome picture frame so we made sure to get shots of her with everyone so we could get them printed and put into the frame.
Here is Hailey with Rebecca, her "Big Sister"! We love Rebecca to pieces. She loves to clothes shop and go to the Mall so her and Hailey really get along!
To me the word Mall is synonymous to the word Ugh!

Dana and Hailey.

Cousins Kelsey and Emma.

Hailey and Alayna.

Oh, and here is Tyler lovin' up the attention he is getting from Dana. Dana has a brother the same age as Tyler but has actually mentioned she would like to take Tyler home.

Here are two pictures of the fantastic Crescent Roll Ring. MMMMMM mmmmm MMMMM!
Before we fold over the edges.

After it is folded and baked!

Well, this was another successful birthday! Problem is, Hailey's next birthday is her 16th and she has some crazy notion in her head that it is supposed to be some big event. . . . I guess that at least gives me a year to prepare for it!!!

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