We had Jonathan over and he and Hayden were working on a model and Hailey was really bored looking for things to do and ended up trying to work on a craft project. Tyler was feeling really left out and somewhat pouty because no one wanted his help and the things I got out for him to do weren't keeping his interest. I was busy trying to catch up on dishes and people kept asking me what they could do or help me with this or with that.
Someone had mentioned these little plastic dominoes for Tyler to play with and that was just the trick. He actually ended up setting them up with Jonathan and it kept them busy for quite awhile. But, even better was the fact that Tyler found out the white dominoes were really glow in the dark dominoes and he immediately took a handful into the closet and created a picture of Jonathan. It was really cute. But then he called me into the closet because he had something to show me. This is what it was . . .