Thursday, February 19, 2009


One week later after Hayden's Birthday and now it is time for Hailey's! She turned 14 this year and I cannot believe how quickly time has passed!
Hailey LOVES birthday parties and would love to have HUGE ones every year but I had to limit her this year. I told her she could invite six friends. It was sad because several of them couldn't make it but I think the girls that could had a good time!

We usually have a theme type party but this year she didn't really pick a theme so we just went with "teenage girl stuff" theme. Anything with candy, friends and fun!

The first thing we did was get started on her Treasure Hunt. She really wanted to do this. I had so many ideas of things that I wanted to do for that but we had a lot going on the past week or so and I kept getting a writers block when it came to writing out the clues so I only ended up coming up with 6 destinations. The girls are reading clue #1 here.

I had them going around the neighborhood. Here the clue was taped underneath the park bench. They have already been to the neighborhood park and clear up to the subdivision entrance. I let them go alone. I didn't think they would want me following them with the camera. In hindsight I wish I would have, it would have been a more interesting blog.

This was the clue they found in the clothes dryer. This was the final clue that helped them to find the actual "treasure"!

Here was the treasure . . . a pinata! Hailey had wanted one so I figured I would go with it! Hey, where did that monkey come from???? I think it needs to go back to the Bakers house, it is getting way to comfortable here!

Now to head back outside for the pinata fun. In this picture Tyler is letting Alayna know that he doesn't want to be blindfolded. He just wanted to watch. But honestly it looks like Alayna is trying to suffocate him. Just in case you are worried, he survives!

The problem we ran into here was trying to get the rope up on the hoop! It was a lightweight rope and there was a significant breeze. It took many tries, lots of perseverance and girls who desperately wanted the candy inside!

We finally got it hooked up! Now for all the fun!

This was really sad! Hailey got a good whack in but only the top cone came off (why they had the hanging loop hooked to that I will never know) so the pinata just fell to the ground while one of the cones was hanging from the rope . . .

Hailey and Alayna entertained the troops while I took the rope down and wound it all around the center of the pinata so we could try again. Mind you, we had to go through the whole process of getting the rope back up over the hoop!

If you ask me, I think Alayna is having a little too much fun "pretending" to hit Hailey! Hmmmm, hidden aggressions?
Quick picture op! You can plainly see the brilliant retying job I did on the pinata! Aren't mom's creative?

Oh, you can't believe how much excitement a cone that is shaped like a birthday hat can bring to a group of girls. Throughout the rest of the pictures you will see that they ALL had to have their picture taken with one on their head!
Kayla looks mighty fancy!

Hannah's turn to get the pinata! I think I frustrated her because I would move it up and down so they couldn't easily hit it. I wanted to make this last a while. I knew, one solid hit and it was over! Hannah meant business!
Alayna's turn! I think she laughed the whole time!

Tyler had fun too! Even though he was the only boy! I will hide this picture when he is going through his teen years!

Kayla's turn!
Now it is Hailey's turn!
For anyone who thinks that girls are sweet and gentle has never been around them when there is a pinata full of chocolate and they have a bat! It never had a chance!

Going for the spoils! Girls can also been pretty aggressive when picking up chocolate too! They found all that candy in a matter of minutes! Even mud didn't hinder them!

Sorry Tyler! You have to be fast! Girls and chocolate . . . poor little guy didn't have a chance!

Back inside for the present part! Hailey got a lot of neat things. Lots of things with smells!

On to the cake! Instead of putting all fourteen candles on her cake we opted to put one next to four! Kept the fire alarms from going off!

Rebecca was here to help! She is a very close friend of mine and Hailey loves to spend time with her too! She was helping with taking pictures and stuff. I let her know that I really could have used her last week when I was dealing with all ten people at Hayden's party. She laughed!
The punch she is putting together was the sweetest stuff I have ever had in my LIFE! I was pretty sure when I was drinking it that I could feel my teeth disintergrating as it passed over them! Yeah, it was THAT sweet! Of course, the girls loved it!

Well, now I am free for a little while for the birthdays. Tyler's and Kurt's comes up in July but I am not going to think about it. I am just going to put my feet up, close my eyes and rest! Wow, who ever thought that a mere birthday can take so much out of you!
Happy Birthday Hailey!

1 comment:

  1. wish Hailey a belated Happy Birthday from us!!! Your blog is great as usual.
    Love, Aunt Flo
