Monday, January 3, 2011

Where Have I Been ?

All I can say is . . . Wow!

It has been months since I have posted anything here and I am surprised by all the things that have happened since then.

Some of the last posts were about Hailey getting accepted into the Medical High School and another post about my computer getting a virus. Well, that computer still has the virus and all my pics are stuck on that except for a few recent ones!

Since my last post the kids have almost finished the first semester of school, Hailey has officially gotten her license and can drive by herself during daylight hours and we have moved into a different house! Yes, there are plenty more things that have happened since the last post. Most do not have pictures because it has just been way too busy but we have now been in the new-to-us-house for 3 weeks and we are starting to settle in just a little bit.

I will have to get some pics taken of the new place.

I do have a new picture of the kids that was taken late summer at the zoo when we had gone to one of Kurt's sound jobs down at Julia Davis Park. I have posted it so you will have something to look at this time!
I'll try to do better at getting on here! Hope you enjoy!